Marine News

New Common Fisheries Policy

A vote in mid-December 2013 has resulted in the adoption of the CFP reform as of 1 January 2014.   The backbone of the new reform is sustainable fishing; environmentally, economically and socially. Read more

Turning the tide?

All of us will have noted the high profile announcement in September 2013 by Fergus Ewing, Energy Minister, in relation to the approval of planning permission for a tidal energy project in the Pentland Firth. Read more

Marine Navigation Act 2013

The Marine Navigation Act 2013 is expected to come into force within the next few months. Read more

New Offshore Wind Centre off Aberdeen

Consent has recently been granted for the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre in Aberdeen Bay.   The development will consist of 11 wind turbines to be situated between 2 and 4. 5km off the coast. Read more

New Wave of Renewables Investment

The money has been awarded in the second round of the Wave & Tidal Energy: Research, Development & Demonstration Support [“WATERS”] funding by the Scottish Executive , designed to allow Scottish renewable energy developers and supply chain firms to expand their position in the international marine energy market. Read more

Arresting Times for Ships?

Arresting Times for Ships?
With effect from 1 August 2012, important changes have been introduced to the Sheriff Court Rules relative to the arrestment of ships under the Act of Sederunt (Sheriff Court Rules) (Miscellaneous Amendments) 2012 (No. 1). Read more

First Marine Energy Park for Scotland

Scotland’s first marine energy park is to open today in the Pentland Firth. Read more

Visit us at the Skipper Expo International Aberdeen 2012

Visit us at the Skipper Expo International - Aberdeen 8th & 9th June 2012 - Stand 71

If you wish to contact us to discuss this matter further please contact Keith MacRae or Lewis McDonald. Read more

BIMCO WINDTIME Time Charter Party

“At a meeting in Singapore on 23rd April 2012 the BIMCO Documentary Committee reviewed a first draft of the WINDTIME time charter party.   The Committee provided feedback and suggestions which will be relayed to the drafting team. Read more

Ship Arrest – A Tool in the Creditor’s Armoury

In the current economic climate, it pays for vessel owners and their sub-contractors alike to be aware of the potential for ship arrest in Scottish ports.  

The power of arrest extends to a ‘ship’, its cargo or freight. Read more
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