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First Marine Energy Park for Scotland

Scotland’s first marine energy park is to open today in the Pentland Firth.  The main aims of the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Energy Park is to enhance marine power development, demonstrate Scotland’s commitment to renewable energy and improve Scotland’s international profile as a leader in marine energy.

The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Orkney is to be heavily involved in the project.  Established in 2003, EMEC provides both developers and convertors of marine energy with purpose-built testing facilities. 

Earlier this year, the UK government announced the UK’s first marine energy park off south-west England.  The north of Scotland however has far greater potential for the development of wave and tidal energy and this is an exciting time for Scotland to be offered this opportunity to showcase what it has to offer.

If you wish to contact us to discuss this matter further please contact Morag Christoffersen.

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