Business News

People of Significant Control – Part 3

This third and final instalment shall consider PSC conditions 4 and 5.   Generally speaking, PSC conditions 4 and 5 shall only be considered if the first 3 do not apply.   

Condition 4 – otherwise has the right to exercise significant influence or control. Read more

People of Significant Control – Part 2

Further to our recent article, Persons of Significant Control – Part 1, this part 2 of the series shall consider the PSC conditions 1, 2 and 3 in more detail. Condition 1 - directly or indirectly holds more than 25% of shares. Read more

People of Significant Control – Part 1

A recent query from Companies House as regards the people of significant control (“PSCs”) of a client company prompted a useful recap of the PSC Rules and it was considered useful to share. Read more

Written Resolutions

Although there has been much said of procedures to conduct a meeting amidst a worldwide pandemic, one should not forget that there is a useful alternative; the ability to use written resolutions. Read more

Changes ahead for Companies House and Company Officers?

The UK government ran a consultation from May to August 2019 on Corporate and Transparency Register Reform.   It was noted that the operations of Companies House had remained largely the same for many years and unfortunately, recently there have been increasing instances of misuse and concerns about accuracy. Read more

Directors’ duties revisited

Further to our Article Directors Duties in Difficult Times from April 2020, The Chartered Governance Institute has recently published guidance for directors providing a useful summary of their statutory duties and some practical guidance to enable compliance. Read more

Going it alone in 2020?

Have you made a career decision during lockdown to go it alone in 2020?

Perhaps you have had time to reflect whilst on furlough; unfortunately you have been made redundant; or perhaps you have continued to work either in the office or remotely but have decided it is time to follow… Read more

Filing Requirements – Temporary Modifications

The Companies etc. (Filing Requirements) (Temporary Modifications) Regulations 2020 came into force on 27 June 2020.   These Regulations introduce measures which allow businesses more time to deal with company administration matters meaning they can focus on the operation of their business. Read more

Are your annual accounts due to be filed?

If your annual company accounts are due to be filed and you are having difficulty finalising these during this time, you can apply to Companies House for a 3 month extension.   If you cite difficulties due to the coronavirus outbreak, the extension will be granted automatically and immediately. Read more

Directors’ duties in difficult times

Directors will undoubtedly want to do all they can to ensure the continuity of their company both during and post coronavirus outbreak however, they need to be mindful of their statutory duties. Read more
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