Marine News

Fishing for Razor Clams in Scotland

Following on from the Marine Scotland paper “Electro-Fishing for Razor Clams” published in October 2014, this area of fishing has attracted significant and often adverse media coverage. Read more

The Exclusive Economic Zone: A Brief Outline

Readers from the fishing industry will be well aware that Article 57 of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea provides that a coastal state may claim an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of up to 200 nautical miles, the main significance of which is that the coastal… Read more

New BIMCO Supplytime Vessel Charter Contract awaited

Supplytime 2005 is the most commonly used charter party contract for offshore service vessels.  It is however more than a decade old and is therefore currently under review. Read more

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is the main fund for the EU’s maritime and fisheries sectors for the period 2014 to 2020. The EMFF replaces the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) which covered the period 2007 to 2013. Read more

Looking to the Future of Scottish Ports and Harbours

Our article can be seen on Page 5 of the Herald Ports supplement. If you require any further information please contact Kirstin Ejsmont or Graham Jones or call 01224 632 464. Read more

Landing Obligation for Demersal Fisheries

The Landing Obligation was introduced into pelagic fisheries on 1 January 2015 and will be introduced into demersal fisheries from 1 January 2016. Read more

Floating Wind Farm off Peterhead

Earlier this month Scotland’s offshore renewable energy sector was given a boost when the Scottish Government granted a marine licence for the UK’s first and the world’s largest floating wind farm to be installed approximately 25 kilometres off the Peterhead coast. Read more

The 'Discard Transfer'

Having introduced the Landing Obligation into pelagic fisheries at the start of 2015, discussions have now turned to demersal fisheries where the Landing Obligation shall be introduced, commencing January 2016. Read more

Scotland National Marine Plan

The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 provide the framework for managing the marine environment in Scotland and the UK as a whole. Read more

Landing Obligation under the CFP

The gradual adoption of the landing obligation, under the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), into the European fishing fleet commenced with the pelagic fisheries on 1 January 2015. Read more
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